Type 1: Clinical audit, prospective survey or retrospective study – methodically collected information on an aspect of clinical care or management. Click here to view an example of this type of abstract.
Type 2: Literature review or guideline review – non-systematic evaluation of important topics in clinical PID. Click here to view an example of this type of abstract.
Type 3: Clinical trial/study or basic science study – prospective empirical data, trials, studies, and entirely novel observations (but not formal systematic review or meta-analysis – see below). If clinical trial, please provide a trial registration number in the abstract. Click here to view an example of this type of abstract.
Type 4: Formal systematic review or meta-analysis – If formal systematic review please indicate formal systematic review registration number in the abstract. Click here to view an example of this type of abstract.
Type 5: Case Report or Case Series – description of one or more cases in order to generate a useful learning experience for clinicians. Click here to view an example of this type of abstract.