The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal
Antibiotics Journal by MDPI
Italian Society of Pediatrics
European Confederation of Medical Mycology
10th ICCN: International Conference on Clinical Neonatology

4th Summer Discussions on Neonatology

12th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-12)

54th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)

ECPM 2022: XXVIII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine

11th Congress of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies

IUMS 2022, International Union of Microbiological Societies – The Hybrid Edition

UENPS 2022: 12th International Congress of the Union of European Neonatal & Perinatal Societies

Kongress fuer Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2022

4th World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders Congress (4th WAIdid Congress)

Biotics4Pediatrics: 8th International Congress on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics in Pediatrics

Infection 360 Conference

The 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS 2022)

20th Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID 2022)

10th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth (N&G 2023)

35th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical Research and Public Health Workshops IPVC 2023)

The world Society for Virology’s 2nd Conference

11th Congress on Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM-11)

9th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth

12th World Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases

4th LAUNCH: Lung Ultrasound in Neonates and Children

34th International Papillomavirus Conference

18th Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (APCCMI)

23rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV 2021)

4th joint European Neonatal Societies Congress (jENS)

9th Congress of European Microbiologists

Fetal and Neonatal Neurology Congress