14th ESPID Research Masterclass
Ideal for young researchers in paediatric infectious diseases research groups
The ESPID Research Masterclass (ERMC) submission is Closed.
The ESPID Research Masterclass (ERMC) is a closed, seminar type of forum for active paediatric infectious diseases (PID) research groups in Europe. The research performed can involve ‘bench-type’ basic and translational research, as well as ‘bed-side’ clinical studies (e.g. observational, case-control, randomized controlled, interventional) and epidemiological studies in any area of paediatric infectious diseases.
The format of ERMC is well suited for presenting work-in-progress as well as studies that have completed. You will gain feedback and input from other research groups, as well as senior research leaders in paediatric infectious diseases, on how to approach the research question, on study design and on presentation and interpretation of results.
1. Why
The primary aim of ERMC is to provide better opportunities for young researchers to present their studies and discuss their research with other junior colleagues as well as with European research group leaders. During the Masterclass, the junior researchers will be trained how to present their data, ask questions or chair a session. They will receive guidelines for scientific discussion in a seminar type of positive atmosphere. The second aim of the seminar is to provide the researchers a better view of recent PID research in Europe and also to stimulate discussions of new research collaborations among ESPID members.
2. Who
The ERMC is based on attendance of research teams. The research groups should apply their attendance as a group of one (1) senior and maximum three (3) junior researchers (maximum group size is four (4) persons). The senior researcher in the group should be an ESPID member. Everyone is excpected to attend the full ERMC programme.
3. When
The 14th ERMC will take place on 14th May 2022 (TBC) in Athens, Greece.
4. Financial Support
Financial support offered to juniors is now built into the annual meeting travel award and successful applicants will benefit from free registration, travel and accommodation (if applicable) subject to the ESPID reimbursement rules.
5. How to apply
- Applications for ERMC are submitted via the online submission system.
- Application Deadline: 11 January, 2022
- All applications must include the following::
- A short summary (max. one page, A4) of current research interests of the group
- A list of 10 recent publications from the group
- A brief CV (max 2 pages) from each junior member including current position, degrees, publications, presentations at (inter)national meetings, and number of years spend on research
- Abstracts* from individual junior members
- A list of the participants (1 senior, max. 3 juniors) with their e-mail addresses
- A one slide power point presentation of the team
* The abstract should not exceed 280 words in total and must be structured into separate sections. The format of ERMC is well suited to present work-in-progress resulting in getting valuable feedback and input from other research groups how to approach the research question, as well as discussing the study design with senior research leaders in paediatric infectious diseases and obtain their expert opinion.
The following format for the individual abstract should be used:
- Title not exceeding 16 words
- Authors and affiliations
- Research question including the context and purpose of the study
- Methods including rational why a particular method was chosen to answer the research question
- Results can be ranging from work in progress to preliminary data, to more conclusive results
- Conclusion including problems encountered, adjustment of methods and work plan for the next year.
Please note that 1-2 of junior members from each team should be ready to give an oral presentation of their research.
The deadline for group submissions is 11th January 2022. Please note when submitting your group application and including the abstracts for consideration at the ESPID Research Masterclass, these abstracts should not be also submitted to the general abstracts section.
6. What happens then?
Based on the interest of the European PID research groups applying to participate, the ERMC organizing committee will make the final decision about the topics of the day including the abstracts selected for oral presentation.
All research groups will be directly informed about the selected topics, abstracts and groups.

Theo Zaoutis
(Chair)Theo Zaoutis
Ulrich von Both
Ulrich von Both

Henriette Rudolph
Henriette Rudolph

Flor Munoz
Flor Munoz